A distinct rumbling was heard, you walk towards the sound, you’re whisked away into a third dimensional freak show, time to find a spot and get ready for the show!
Avatar took New York City by storm Sunday night as they beat the crowd into submission; leaving a packed room of over 1,400 fans begging for more! The crowd chanted AAAAAAA--VVVVV--AAAAAA--TTTTT--AAAA--RRRRR over and over again until the band departed the stage after their seventeen song set. Not sure who Avatar is or what they’re about? Imagine a huge dose of 90's shock rock adorned with a peppy side of the circus; an intensely thought out theatrical, melodic, death-metal band that will keep you on your toes! Though, Avatar do not label themselves as any one specific genre, as they truly have melded so many musical facets into one and combined it all with a crazy stage show.
The five piece band hit the stage with their 2014 single "Hail The Apocalypse" with an old-school cinemastic style Avatar logo lit up behind the band, framing drummer John Alfredsson among the darkness. The three string experts of the band, Jonas "Kungen" Jarlsby (guitar), Tim Öhrström (guitar), and Henrik Sandelin (bass) swung their hair in rhythmic circles as they performed the introductory chords, and the crowd waited for the Ring Leader of the Freakshow, Johannes Eckerström (vocals) to take to the stage. Eckerström emerged from the side with the most wicked horror-clown smile one could muster, complete with signature conducting cane in hand.
This is AVATAR COUNTRY! The latest release from the Swedish band saw them headlining venues across the United States, telling the story of Avatar Country, and The King, who conveniently happens to be Jonas. While the band has been pumping out fantastic concepts with their music, Avatar Country truly takes it to a whole new level. The story tells a tale of a king that constructed a kingdom from a a barren wasteland, and while the headlining performances had an entire crowning moment, and a throne for Jonas, the story was easily told at Terminal 5 as well.
Fans will absolutely love this addition to the Avatar discography; it’s packed with swirls of fascinating melodies which will hypnotize listeners from start to finish. Aside from the hard-hitting five tracks from Avatar Country that were included on the setlist, Avatar has me all woozy with “The Eagle Has Landed" from 2016's Feathers and Flesh, followed perfectly by "For The Swarm." Did I just sell my soul to Johannes Eckerström? It's very possible, as this band sucks you in on your first viewing and leaves you craving to learn more about their fantastical world and the stories within it.
Avatar definitely showcases their older material, though, performing "Paint Me Red" and "Torn Apart" from their earlier album Black Waltz and finishing off the setlist with the quintessential Avatar track that should be on everyones routine playlist, "Smells Like A Freakshow."
Avatar Country and the live performance of Avatar are both a marvelous and captivating ride, if you’re looking to get lost in the charming melodies, followed by frantic head banging, or ready to dance and get lost in the carnival feeling, then this is definitely the band for you.
Hail the Apocalypse / A Statue of the King / Paint Me Red / King's Harvest / Bloody Angel / The Eagle Has Landed / For the Swarm / Ready for the Ride / Get in Line / Tower / Puppet Show / Let It Burn / King After King / Torn Apart / Glory to Our King / The King Welcomes You to Avatar Country / Smells Like a Freakshow