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Bring Me The Horizon | Second Base Tour in Philadelphia

Dawn Phillips

When I wake up, well I know I’m gonna be driving, driving, driving... I would walk 500 miles to make it to The MET in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! You say it’s going to be a long 4 hour drive.. I say it’ll be a 4 hour live pre-concert featuring Bring Me The Horizon! What was supposed to be a simple 4 hour drive turned out to be the drive from hell lasting a cool 6 and a half hours with torrential downpours the entire way! Literally zero visibility… it’s all cool nothing wrong with having a mental breakdown thinking you’re going to be late and miss it all. THE MET is one of the swankiest places I’ve been in to date! It’s a must go to venue, the staff is amazing upcoming events at THE MET.

British rock band Bring Me The Horizon performed to a full sold out house, concerts goers came from near and far to be part of the action on May 10th. All ages gathered to see BMTH, and bodies surfed through the crowds reaching the photo pit where security kindly gathered them and sent them back to their places. While scouring the crowd I noticed one of the most contained and well organized mosh pits I have ever seen. Moshing isn’t for the weak and sometimes just sometimes you might be able to see a super hero floating amongst the crowd: yes Spiderman was body surfing!

Oliver Sykes, lead singer for BMTH played into the hearts and minds of each and every fan in attendance: they connected with him and the words being sung while yelling "We love you Oli!" Eight year olds were head banging while throwing up the metal signs singing each and every song BMTH threw at them. How could anyone there not be a part of this? It was hard to sit and not get up and jam right along with BMTH. Sykes dress attire was a suit with Manson Verdict ALL GUILTY adored on it, after the third song he did a little change up and came out more casual and ready to rock the house! The rest of the band went from white jumpsuits to regular clothes.

BMTH’s earlier works being true deathcore style, the band has slowly started to change their sound to a more traditional and mainstream, while experimenting with new material which gives them a more pop oriented sound. It was obvious that BMTH had two fan camps: the ones who still go for the more aggressiveness and ones that enjoy their mellow style. Changes come and go with artists, how are BMTH fans reacting to these changes? BMTH is selling out venue after venue packing concert goers in like sardines…I’d sum it all up as pretty darn successful.

BMTH recently dropped a new track called “Mantra” and announced a new album called AMO which came out January 11th. The current Second Base Tour delivered more of AMO, which was combined with spectacular fire display, smoke, and dancers. BMTH opened with their hit song “Mantra” and the crowd went wild; BMTH packed a punch and followed up with the more aggressive "The House of the Wolves," then back to AMO with "Medicine" and "Wonderful Life." BMTH face punched the crowd with "Shadow Moses" then rounded out the night with "Can You Feel My Heart" and "Throne"….it was a night of all nights, Sykes kept the crowd on their feet the entire night, it didn’t matter if you were moshing or hanging out in the balcony, no one was standing still. The choreograph that went with the songs was spot on, dancers played their parts very well rounding out each and every song, BMTH didn’t slack on anything from the fire, smoke, dancers to the eye catching big screens that displayed in the background.

British rapper SCARLXRD opened for BMTH. SCARLXRD is known for his unusual style of combining trap with heavy metal. SCARLXRD combination of trap and heavy metal has been dubbed trap metal. SCARLXRD is also known as rap metal overlord. Which completely fits him to a T, he threw down some heavy beats for concert goers. SCARLXRD joined BMTH on stage during their set to perform "Antivist."

MANTRA / The House of Wolves / Medicine / Wonderful Life / Shadow Moses / Mother Tongue / Happy Song / Sleepwalking / Diamonds Aren't Forever / Sugar Honey Ice & Tea / Follow You / Nihilist Blues / Antivist (with Scarlxrd) / Drown / Can You Feel My Heart / Throne